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The Goals I Will Achieve in 10 Years

When I was in elementary school, I had a vision of myself as a University student living in a big city and being fully immersed in the culture, vibrancy and opportunity that Toronto offers. Two years ago, I moved to the city I always dreamed of living in. Even though I framed this as a vision, it really was a goal that I gave myself at a young age.

When I was in first year, I joined a student group where we had to write down the goals we wanted to accomplish during our time at University. The first thing I wrote on my list was to be the VP Marketing of the Ted Rogers Students’ Society, which is the Commerce Society of Ryerson. When I wrote it down, I genuinely was not sure if I could achieve the goal, and I even thought it was unrealistic. Now, I am proud to have the position I wanted so badly in first year.

This exercise taught me that goals can become a reality, no matter how far-fetched you think they may be. That mindset made me want to share not the goals I want to achieve in 10 years, but rather the goals I will achieve in 10 years.

Become a Marketing Maven

In 10 years, I will have a successful career in the food marketing industry. Growing up, I always knew I wanted to work in the marketing field but was never able to determine which area I wanted to be in. Since I moved out, and began living on my own, I quickly realized that I could not live off of takeout alone, so I started teaching myself to cook, which is how I developed my love for food and nutrition. This love slowly developed into more than a fun night cooking dinner. It grew into an area of life where I could envision myself developing my career as a marketer.

Over the next 10 years, this love for food will turn into a passion, leading me to have a successful career in a large food marketing company where I will specialize in social media marketing and will be the co-worker who is always ahead of the market trends. I will have a career which perfectly combines the visual and analytical side of marketing, resulting in a job I will love waking up to every morning.

Mentor Future Marketers

On the weekends and after work, I will come home and work on my successful personal website. I just started my website this summer, but in 10 years my goal is to have the website take off and be a tool for me to continue sharing my stories and insights as I do now. The website will be my personal platform and an avenue for young professionals who are my current age to seek advice, learn from the mistakes I will inevitably make in the future, and follow along on the twists and turns that my life takes as I dive into my thirties.

The main goal that I will achieve in 10 years, is to have an impact on students struggling to figure out their career, or simply looking for someone to take guidance from. I am currently at the age where I am hungry for mentorship and constantly trying to find a successful, driven, and determined individual I can relate to, so in 10 years my goal is that I will be the kind of mentor figure that I am currently seeking to find.

Have a Successful Side-Hustle

Along with my blogs and written updates, I will continue to grow the portfolio section of my website, which will result in a vast and well-rounded array of my work. The success of this portion of my website will lead me to spending my downtime and weekends creating handmade cards and designing commissioned pieces of work for clients, a goal I have been wanting to pursue since childhood.

Maintain a Well-Balanced Lifestyle

Aside from my fast-paced career and continued love for art, in 10 years from now, I will be sure to have achieved, not a goal, but rather a lifestyle of always prioritizing my health. My parents instilled in me the value of taking good care of myself, which may explain why they look so great in their 50’s. Whether that be from staying active, by seeing the value in creating a well-balanced and healthy meal, or by treating myself to that new lipstick I want so badly, I know I will be able to ensure I am living a healthy lifestyle.

Most importantly, in 10 years a goal I will achieve is the ability to stay happy, stay healthy, and stay curious as I enter a new stage of my life and envision what my life will be like in another 10 years.


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